
6 Steps to Take if you Make a Bad Hire and the Employee Doesn’t Fit In

bad hire

Around 20% of new hires leave their jobs after 45 days. It’s unfortunate, but bad fits do happen.

What should you do if you happen to hire someone who isn’t the best for the job? Here are 7 steps to take if you make a bad hire and the employee doesn’t fit in.

1. Assess Their Enthusiasm for the Job

If your new hire is constantly late, barely does any work, and already has conflicts with other people, this is a sign that they aren’t a good fit for your company.

But if they’re performing wonderfully, and only have minor issues with company culture, then move onto point 2.

2. See if You Can Turn Things Around

Perhaps the new hire doesn’t have good relationships with others, but has top-notch performance at their job. Consider having a chat with them to see what you can do to help them get along with others better.

For example, they may be taking long lunches, and other employees may resent them for it. The new hire may not realize that lunches are 30 minutes, not 1 hour, so go over company policies with them to make sure everything’s clear.

3. Set a Probation Period

If your new hire is receptive to change, discuss a deadline where you’ll reassess their situation to see if you want to keep them or let them go. Be very clear on what you expect from them, and that if you don’t see that change, it’s time to sever the contract.

4. Be Open About Feedback

Running a company means it’s a two-way street. You have to be happy with your employees’ performances, but they also have to be satisfied with how business processes go.

Let your new hire know that your door is always open for any feedback about what can be done better. On the other hand, you should also continually give them feedback to keep them on track.

5. Assess the Costs of Keeping the Bad Hire

When there are only small problems that are fixable, keeping the bad hire may not be a bad idea. But if they’re spreading their bad attitude around the office, it can have a significant impact on your employees.

Weigh the pros and cons of keeping such a hire and make a decision based on that.

6. Put Together a Smooth Exit Plan

If things just aren’t working with the bad hire, have an honest discussion with them. Let them know you’ll be letting them go, but offer them something in return, such as severance.

By making their transition out of the company as smooth as possible, it can make things easier for all parties involved.

Lower the Chances of Bad Hire Situations

While you can’t eliminate the chances of bad hire situations, you can certainly lower them. Take some extra time during the hiring process to get to know the candidate. Have some of your current employees sit down for a coffee chat with them to see if they feel like they fit the company culture.

By gathering multiple opinions on potential hires, you can get a better assessment of these candidates.

If you want to get the best talent possible for your company, then request our hiring services today.