3 Things Hiring Managers Need to Help Find the Right Employees

A hiring manager understands recruitment and how to find and hire job candidates. Though, they need information from you as the recruiting partner.

According to Society for the Human Resource Management (SHRM), lack of clear communication challenges hiring managers.

Here are three ways to open those lines of communication. So, you can help the hiring manager find the right candidate the first time.

1. The Right Job Description

Finding the right employee means advertising the right job description. If the job misses the mark, hiring managers will waste time. They will drive away preferred candidates, and hire the wrong person.

Think about the information your hiring manager needs. Research has shown that job descriptions should be more than a list of responsibilities and duties. In fact, that kind of job description can chase away qualified candidates.

In one study, researchers presented 56 job ads using two approaches. The “Needs-Supplies” approach focused on what the company offers the candidate. The “Demands-Abilities” approach focused on what the company expects from the candidate.

The study received 991 responses. Candidates who responded to Needs-Supplies job listings rated higher than those who responded to the Demands-Abilities listings.

Focus on what your company can do for qualified individuals. Weave that information into the job description you give to your hiring manager. Then he or she can target the right candidates for you.

2. Focus on Talent

Our first inclination is to hire the most qualified individual. Though, there is something to be said for talent and potential. Consider working with your hiring manager to select candidates with demonstrated talents, even if they lack experience.

Studies have shown that talented individuals adapt to change well. They offer a fresh perspective and innovative ideas. Someone with less experience is more likely to accept risk. They are also willing to put in the extra hours to prove their worth as an employee.

One can learn skills, though talent is harder to come by. If you focus only on experience, hiring managers will not have a complete picture of the candidate you want.

3. Help Hiring Managers Find “the Right Fit”

When hiring managers talk about “the right fit,” they mean more than a solid handshake and charisma. A hiring manager needs to know what makes a good cultural fit for the department or team.

According to the Harvard Business Review, cultural fit is the likelihood that a candidate will adapt to the core attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors that make up your company’s culture. Employees who fit in well have greater job satisfaction. They also show higher job performance.

Understanding your own organization’s culture is the first step. The second is providing the hiring manager with a list of desired traits for job candidates. Those traits should correspond with the company’s cultural attitudes and beliefs.

Talk to Your Hiring Manager Today

Take some time to connect with your hiring manager. Review the job requisitions you have. Brainstorm to see how you can enhance those job descriptions to attract quality candidates.

Need help with hiring? Call us at (650) 993-4275 or email us at info@ptsystems.com.

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